Violence, not food: Animal activist Heeji Yi
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Violence, not food: Animal activist Heeji Yi

A new generation of Korean animal rights activists is determined to stand up for the defenseless, even if it means leaving their comfort zones. Heeji Yi has become an unstoppable force in the local animal rights scene. She’s attended protests, done vegan education at Cube of Truth events, and organized Save vigils for animals on…

Cube of Truth: Vegan activism in Seoul

Cube of Truth: Vegan activism in Seoul

Vegan activists with display monitors gather every week in Myeong-dong, downtown Seoul, and show graphic footage of animal slaughter. Are passers-by making the connection? The first time I observed a Cube of Truth event in Myeong-dong, the busy shopping area in downtown Seoul, I’d followed the group’s activities on social media for some time. The…